Private Tutoring
» Available on an “as needed” basis
» No contracts required, no rigid programs
» We assess and work with each individual to address their specific needs and design a personalized program.
Our assessments are performed one on one by experienced professional educators. When you call Education Place, we have a conversation with you regarding what you believe to be your child’s specific needs.
At the first session, we talk to each student, establish a relationship, and then select the diagnostic materials that will be most effective given the circumstances. While some students master a “missed” skill in one or two sessions, others benefit from a more regular schedule to boost confidence, teach study skills, and identify needs as they arise. We will provide some personal attention to strengthen math skills, phonics, writing, foreign language, spelling, math fact memorization, test taking – or any other academic content. Kindergarten through college – we have specialists to help.
Discover how improved skills lead to more confidence and a more successful and enjoyable school experience.
Computer Training
» Brush up on keyboarding skills
» Learn a new program
We have specialists experienced at teaching adults and children. Private and semi-private tutoring sessions are available.
Custom Workshops
Education Place has developed a number of additional educational offerings in response to community demand. Programs and workshops can be designed for adults and corporations as well as children.
Programs created in the past include:
» Adult literacy instruction
» Teacher workshops
» Corporate team training
» Experiential learning programs for elementary history classes.